First Thing First

The first thing you need to know is that dating is a number game - the more expose you are, the higher the possibility that you find what you are looking for. It's very much like fishing in the sea, the more fishing rods you cast, the higher the chances for you to catch any fish. Hence the term "fish dating".

So, now comes the next question. Where do you "cast your fishing rods"? Apparently, you have to cast them into the "water". But hang on, don't just take my word for it. There are lots and lots of so-called professional matchmaking sites out there who are only interested in your money. So be smart. Do your due diligence before committing yourself to any matchmaking service.

Well, here's the good news. Below I have classified some of the reputable companies who have years of experience in the matchmaking and dating business. I list them in the order of preference. No 1 being the best preferred choice.

Here's a tip for you. Always start free. Try and evaluate their services first. If you think that the services are up to your expectation, then and only then you decide for yourself whether it is worthwhile for you to invest your money in their services.

By the way, I will regularly updates this blog with up-to-date tips on dating. So come back often.

Wish you all the best!

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Online Dating - 10 Rules Everyone Should Know

Online dating is an exciting frontier, filled with possibilities around every corner - but before you begin returning those enticing emails, there are 10 rules you should abide by.

Your love life may be stalled for a number of reasons. A recently ended relationship might leave you stranded with a condensed social circle and feelings of loneliness. You might have experienced a recent change, like a divorce, graduating from college, or moving to a new city. No matter what the circumstance, it is hard to meet new people. Enter the world of online dating - full of variety, spice, and excitement. If you're new to the online dating scene, there are several things that everyone should know.

1. Plan ahead

Are you looking to just spend some time entertaining yourself in chat rooms? Looking for someone to hang out with on the weekends? Seeking a one night stand? Trying to find Mr. or Ms. Right? Determine your goals for online dating and stick to them - otherwise you might hurt the feelings of others or find yourself scraping up the pieces of another failed relationship.

2. Ask your friends

Online dating and chat rooms are standard tools for people of all walks of life looking for love or a little fun. Ask your friends what sites have worked for them in the past. Trust the opinions of those you already know rather than choosing a service at random.

3. Start slow

You may need to spend some time in chat rooms, email correspondence, or even via the telephone before you feel comfortable enough to meet someone. Take your time - there is no rush! Enjoy the process and embrace the excitement.

4. Tell the truth!

If you really want to experience success with online dating, you must be honest. While you cannot control the actions of others, maintaining accountability to yourself will thwart the temptation to attach someone else's picture to your profile or lie about your past.

5. Organize and prioritize

Online dating can be overwhelming. It's a lot easier to browse profiles of individuals that you know are looking for a relationship than to strike up a conversation with someone at the bar. Choose a few of the most interesting profiles, take notes, and limit yourself to corresponding with them at first. You can always look again if they don't work out, and this will avoid too much activity and confusing emotions.

6. Don't believe everything you see or read

If he or she sounds too good to be true, it's very possible that you're looking at a bad egg. Take your time getting to know someone. Check their story. If you have arrived to the point where personal information has been revealed, there are ways you can verify details. If a person claims they work at the local community college, you can check the phone directory for their name. Public record is a valuable resource!

7. Chat room etiquette

That old adage "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" still applies to online dating. Chat rooms often give people a sense of invincibility. When the fingers start flying, things tend to move fast and have the potential to get steamy. Stop. Think. If you wouldn't say it to a complete stranger face-to-face, don't say it at all.

8. Paying for an online dating service might not be so bad

Websites that charge for entering chat rooms or making an online dating profile may turn you off at first glance. You might feel embarrassed or afraid to shell out hard earned money to a dating website; however, you can rest assured that if someone is willing to make the investment it costs to participate in online dating circles, it's possible that they are very serious and willing to go the extra mile for you!

9. Be available

Don't have access to the internet everyday? This might cause problems in the online dating world. Those who try this method of socialization like to think they'll receive quick responses. Be available, consider setting aside a specific time to spend in the chat room, and respond to emails in a timely fashion. Otherwise, you might find your potentials losing interest.

10. Safety first, second, and third

When you've gathered your confidence and found somebody you want to meet face-to-face, remember that you don't know what to expect. Meet in a public place. Drive your own car so that you can maintain control of your environment, and leave if you feel uncomfortable. Even if the first date leads to a second, or third, keep in mind that you've only just met, and there is no need to rush.

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Expert Tips For Great Dating Ideas

First date ideas

1. The most important part of a first date is getting to know each other. Plan your date in a way so the environment allows for easy conversation. Don't arrange your first date where there is a noisy atmosphere such as a night club, pub or concert.

2. Arrange to meet somewhere where you are the focus. If your first date is focused on an event where there are distractions, neither of you will get the chance to assess each others true personality. Give yourself the best chance to show off your charm and wisdom.

3. When you are dating someone for the first time, make sure its during the day. A non pressured environment like a quiet park or the beach will work just fine.

Moving onto a second date.

4. So, your first date was fabulous and your already planning your next date. Now is the time to introduce some intimacy and a sexier atmosphere. The local wine bar and dinner will give any potential romance the chance to unfold.

5. Make sure when your dating someone for the second time its done at night. A romantic evening opens the door to intimacy, flirting, and all going well, a kiss at the end of the night.

Perfect second date: Friday night after a long week at work will ensure you both look forward to each others company after hitting it off on your first date. Start to open up to each other with cocktails and conversation on the terrace of bar or restaurant over looking the city skyline or beach. Perhaps move on to a Jazz bar, or go dancing at a busy club then move off the dance floor and get cozy in a quiet corner of the club.

If you like this person enough to be seen together as a couple, take them somewhere that's well thought out and informal. Find out what they love to do and treat them to a surprise. Send her flowers at work, offer to cook him his favourite meal, at his house.

Dating someone and discovering there is real chemistry is one of the best feelings anyone can experience. Whilst the singles scene is great fun for a while, nothing beats becoming part of a new and exciting romantic relationship.

If you are stuck for ideas on where to meet other great singles and have not tried online dating, you are truly missing out on what is now the most popular means of matchmaking in the world. Everyday, thousands of singles are connecting through online dating sites. Avoid bad first dates and get to know someone through online dating before meeting in person and remove all the guess work.

All the latest in singles online dating news and articles Online dating singles chat rooms All about having fun online and meeting new people.

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